When it comes to choosing a child car seat there are many car seats on the market. Some can be cheap while other can be more expensive. For us when it comes to our children’s safety cost is not a factor. Normally you would buy a car seat for newborns as they grow you would buy one for toddlers and then a booster seat. In total that is three different car seats.
Britax has come up with a brilliant design in the Decathlon Convertible Car Seat which is for newborns from 5 lbs. all the way to children up to 65 lbs. Newborns should always be facing to the rear of the vehicle this protects their neck should a sudden stop occur. In the backward facing position the Decathlon Convertible Car Seat is rated for 5 lbs to 33 lbs. In the forward facing position (usually just over one year of age) they are rated for up to 65 lbs.
The Britax Decathlon Convertible Car Seat is made with comfort foam as well as EPS protective foam. The tangle-free 5 point harness push button harness makes it a breeze to get your child in and out of the seat and it has a removable and washable seat cover for those milk spills.
When installing a car seat, one should be sure that it is properly installed for a nice snug fit. The car seat should not have any movement forward or side to side.
For style, comfort, safety and convenience, if I have to purchase another car seat for a new baby I would recommend the Britax decathlon convertible car seat.